For local Malaysian, please go to to register for the event. Registration fee of USD100 and entry fee of USD150 shall be applicable as these are rates imposed by FIDE and ACF. Players from other nationalities are required to contact their National Federations if they are interested to join.
Closing date to register is 1st November 2023 and entries received after this date will be subjected to additional amount as penalty, and accepted at the discretion of the organizer.
Please take note that all players are required to stay at the Sabah Oriental Hotel which is the official hotel for the EASTERN ASIA JUNIORS and GIRLS CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2023.

However, to ensure that players are not burdened with the high accommodation cost, the Malaysian Chess Federation has agreed to subsidize USD30 for the cost of the room per night per player (offer is for Malaysians only). As such, the cost for a single room shall be USD 65 (instead of USD 95 for a single room) and for a twin sharing room, the cost will be USD 50 (instead of USD 80 per room). The offer is valid only until 17th October 2023 provided all registration and payment are received by the same date. Players and accompanying persons who decided to take up the room after this date, will have to bear the full cost of the accommodation.
The organizer also wishes to inform that all rooms booked through the organizer are full board which means breakfast, lunch and dinner are included as part of the room cost.
For easier references, please find the attached registration form which outlines the cost for easier submission.
For further inquiries, please write to